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Here are examples of visual, written, and technological works I have completed as an Eller student.

Written Works

Analysis of Apple's 2021 10K

by Nina Sarmiento, Alexsandra Castro, & Yolitza Yanez


This report provides an in-depth analysis of Apple's financial statements. It requires the writers to conceptually understand what components affect performance, how the increase or decrease of figures and ratios can alert the reader to important changes in the company, and a more practical understanding of accounting systems in action.


I wrote the responses to questions 5 and 6 and provided the graphs demonstrating horizontal and vertical analyses (detailed in the technological section). I utilized my knowledge of current company events and current market trends to guide my understanding of changes in the financial statements. This assignment specifically made me understand the reasoning behind why accountants conduct horizontal and vertical analyses-- it shed more light than the written disclosures, which were flowery with legal jargon.

Recommendation for Storefront

by Nina Sarmiento

This recommendation shows my ability to write in business contexts and communicate decisions. The language is professional but relatable-- high-context enough to communicate that this is a business message, but low-context enough to be understood by anyone reading it.

Visual Works

Tableau Visualization of Flight Delays

by Nina Sarmiento


This dashboard shows flight delays by state and route. The color of the state and flight path indicates how late on average each plane was (lighter colors/ pink is slight delay, darker colors/ orange is extensive delay).


This visualization demonstrates my ability to not only present data accurately, but also go above and beyond to make it presentation-ready.

Technological Works

Tableau Visualization of the Relationship between Alumnae Salary and School

by Nina Sarmiento


This dashboard shows a map of state schools across the US; the color represents the average starting salary of graduates and the size represents their mid-career salary.


This visualization required data analysis, fluency with Tableau software, and understanding of business statistics. It demonstrates my ability to organize data into meaningful graphics from which one can draw conclusions and make decisions. 

Analysis of Apple's 2021 10K

by Nina Sarmiento, Alexsandra Castro, & Yolitza Yanez


This is a snippet of an Excel table I created to conduct a horizontal analysis of year over year change in important income statement items. This table demonstrates my ability to not only do the calculations and practically apply classroom knowledge, but also use appropriate Excel tools for the visual components of this report.

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